[tsiklonaut] – Alesis A6 Andromeda pads in 16-voice analog power

” Selection of pads made on the Alesis A6 Andromeda analog synthesizer. All patches played use all the 16-voices A6 can offer simultaneously.. No processing, just straight output from the A6. YouTube conversion kills the high-resolving analog sound quality and fatness, but hopefully this gives you a glimpse into the A6 inner life… All played are Alesis factory patches. I’ve only had the synth for a couple of days now so just barely scratching the surface of it – here’s a proof that even with the much-chriticized factory banks you can make some good sounds. Use the “HD” quality mode button below to get the most out of it.

If anyone wonders, some pictures on the background are from our own Milkyway’s massive cosmic neighbour Messier’s catalog M31 Andromeda galaxy, one of the few galaxies that has blue-shift instead of red-shift like all other galaxies we see, meaning it comes towards us and with the “locked” gravitational pull our Milkyway Galaxy will collide and merge with the bigger brother Andromeda in a very distant future, forming a new galaxy. Hopefully the Solar system will not be thrown out into the vast emptyness of space or sucked into a black-hole due to the viscous gravitational play during the merging. The name for the synth is inspired from Andromeda – and I would say it’s a very fitting name for it 🙂 ”




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